Home News Make Your College Application Strong by Following These Golden Rules

Make Your College Application Strong by Following These Golden Rules


Make Your College Application Strong by Following These Golden Rules: Writing a college essay is a nerve-wracking experience for many people. Unfortunately, this means they spend weeks contemplating, brainstorming, and generally making themselves nervous without making any headway. As it’s a selection process that determines part of your future, the reaction is perfectly understandable. As college administrators read thousands of applications, it’s essential to make yours unique. Below are simple ways of how to make your college application unique. 

Make Your College Application Strong by Following These Golden Rules

Get To Know Your Prompt 

Before you begin contemplating how to write a college application essay, you need to understand what is required to you entirely. Naturally, you have an essay question or a prompt that your work should center on. Read it through again and again. Think it over before settling on any specific idea. Is the prompt asking you to inform, support, defend or expand? Additionally, consider how the essay question applies to you.  Doing so will allow your creative juices to flow more easily hence get good ideas.

Share A Personal Story

The whole point of a college essay is for the College Board to understand who they are dealing with. To effectively do this, consider sharing a personal story that serves the prompt given. Choose specific incidents that highlight your strengths precisely how you overcame a past obstacle.  As you have access too many elements of your personal history, try ad avoid adding juicy details that don’t serve your prompt. Overall, avoid reading a multitude of college essay examples on the internet with the hope of mimicking them as this will remove the personalized element. 

Let Your Personality Shine 

During the application process, a bulk of the required paper is objective facts like test scores and grades. Fortunately, when it comes to writing an application essay, you are given a leeway of letting your personality shine through. To effectively do this and avoid boring dreadful academic essays with no personality will bore your readers to sleep, infuse elements of your character. Use your voice and showcase why you are an asset to the school. Where possible, add witty phrases, creative metaphors, and humor for a genuinely memorable college essay.

Be Honest 

\Many applicants looking to join various study programs make the mistake of equating creative writing to sensationalized fictional stories. However, to truly stand out, avoid getting creative with facts as they will see through the lies. Instead, opt for showcasing your various accomplishments with exaggeration. 

Add elements of weaknesses and shortcomings as they add authenticity to your writing. As admission officers understand you are human and bound to make mistakes, resist the urge of pretending to be perfect. Instead, legitimize both your weaknesses and strengths for college essays that made a difference.

Check On Your Grammar And Spelling

Choosing a great story idea or having the best college essay topics will all be for naught if you have numerous grammar mistakes in your essay. Avoid writing run-on sentences that are difficult to read. After finishing your project, set it aside for some time and allow your mind to rest. Use simple tools that enable you to check grammar and spelling mistakes. If possible, have another person read it through as you can sometimes be blind to your faults. Employ useful but straightforward tips like reading your writing out loud. Make a note of any inconsistency and break of flow that you need to fix for a perfect grammar free essay. 


As this is a life-changing process, take time and come up with several ideas before sitting down to write. Make a list of things you want to be included and note down tips that will make it unique. Unfortunately, even with the best of guidance, many people still struggle with writing a good essay, let alone one that will admit them in am excellent college. If this is you, consider contacting the site that allows you to pay someone to do my homework online for a perfect college admission essay.