Home Health The IT Developer’s Guide to FHIR for Healthcare

The IT Developer’s Guide to FHIR for Healthcare


You’ve undoubtedly also heard of FHIR as telemedicine and other digital technologies become more significant. In order to facilitate quick and simple data sharing between healthcare applications, HL7 developed the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard framework.

The interchange of electronic health records is encouraged by the FHIR interoperability standard. FHIR’s primary goal in interoperability is to tackle the rising digitalization of the medical industry and make health files simple to access by patients.

Why is FHIR essential?

Healthcare automation integration and efficient patient medical record interchange are always made possible by healthcare interoperability solutions. The FHIR development enables faster data transmission and retrieval from other apps while making it simple for healthcare IT developers to create applications for EHRs. 

How does it function?

Everyone, including hospitals and veterinary clinics, can use FHIR with security in mind.

If you’re looking to learn more about FHIR, you might run into the word “Resources” quite a bit. What resources are there for FHIR? What connection does it have to the FHIR implementation procedure? The foundation of FHIR is the idea of “resources,” which are the fundamental interoperability basic components that may be introduced into current systems to address the clinical and administrative issues in healthcare. Resources might facilitate data exchange or offer a way to store data, much like a web page does for the internet.

Resources must have the following crucial elements in order to maintain consistency throughout this procedure and the structure of resources:

  • URL: The resource’s identifying URL
  • METADATA: Metadata for classification and search assistance
  • XHTML: An XHTML summary so that users can read it
  • Data element definition
  • Extensibility framework that is healthcare-specific 

The Need to Implement FHIR

There are already piles of data covering the healthcare industry, but most of it is disorganized or out of access. Emergency care providers may not have the patient history they require, which may lead them to make educated guesses or base their treatment decisions solely on the information the patient offers. The issue becomes more serious if the patient is incapable to provide any background or details on allergies.

If adopted as a standard, FHIR eliminates these issues and gives doctors instant access to a patient’s medical information.

FHIR challenges

FHIR has its set of difficulties. FHIR currently has three key problems.

  1. Various systems can implement various FHIR variants. Due to the lack of backward compatibility, the transition between FHIR versions is difficult. The compatibility will fall short in this situation. The most recent version of FHIR must be deployed in all conceivable provider systems in order to solve this problem.
  2. Not all software will function flawlessly within the FHIR framework due to inconsistent API implementation throughout the system. FHIR must be fully adopted and integrated as the answer.
  3. Many healthcare professionals are unaware of the resources needed to create system-wide standards that are compliant and consistent. Specialized medical IT experts within the organization that can accurately assess what is required and where, when, and how to deliver it are the answer to this issue. It will be necessary to make modifications to the infrastructure as well as provide continuing training, maintenance, and instruction.

The future of FHIR

FHIR is influencing the direction of medical technologies regardless the obstacles. The future of healthcare looks like your mobile: a system of applications that collaborate on a single operating system to treat, manage, and regulate options for both patients and providers.